Do you need to get married to be happy? To have kids? To have a "Real Family"?
The answer is NO
You have to do what makes you happy, If a big wedding is your dream go for it but if marriage it's not your dream it's OK too.
The important thing is your happiness, if you want to have a partner without signing papers and have your children, love and obligations will be the same as if you signed a paper.
You should not feel pressured to follow a tradition if it is not what you want, I know people who have been together for years who have never been married and do not need it because they have a life as a couple like any other married couple.
A wedding can be something beautiful if it is what you want, if the tradition of having children under a marriage is what you want that is fine.
If you feel pressured or don't know what to do and you have your doubts, just think:
What would make me happy?
In the end, always remember that you must be happy to give happiness to your family, your children and your partner.
Necesitas casarte para ser feliz? para tener hijos? Para tener "Una Verdadera Familia"?
La respuesta es NO
Lo importante es tu felicidad, si quieres tener una pareja sin firmar papeles y tener tus hijos, el amor y obligaciones van a ser las mismas que si firmaras un papel.
No deberian sentirse presionados a seguir una tradicion si no es lo que deseas, conozco personas que llevan anos juntos que nunca se han casado y no lo necesitan porque tienen un vida de pareja como cualquier otra pareja que si es casada.
Una boda puede ser algo hermoso si es lo que deseas, si la tradicion de tener hijos bajo un matrimionio es lo que quieres esta bien.
Si te sientes presionado o no sabes que hacer y tienes tus dudas solo piensa:
Que me haria feliz a mi?
Al final siempre recuerda que debes de ser feliz tu para dar felicidad a tu familia, tus hijos y tu pareja.
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